#Writing Update

Sherlock WritingJust going to be a quick update as I’ve written 285 words since my last. Not a lot but enough to push me on for this month, in theory.

The last 262 words that I wrote last month were between my FMC and her cat, as the two argued and revealed to one another that they are just as nervous as the other, going to an élite magic school as a dark practitioner and a very catty cat. That spurred me on to realised that the story was finally in a position to move onto the actual main part of the story, the school stuff.

So far this month, I have managed two paragraphs, 136 words. This is mostly down to me being lazy, hence the reblog yesterday. Knowing I am in a position to write the school stuff though feels good as I know I can just sit down and write. For the most part, it writes itself which is very reassuring as I chase my June word target of 5,000 words.

How is everyone else going? I just hope you are having more luck than me.

2 thoughts on “#Writing Update

  1. These days I write during baby naps. I’ve given up on word counts for now. At the end of the day (or week), if I can say I’ve written something, it’s a good day. Maybe I’ll finish a novel before he starts kindergarten…?

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    • As long as there are more words on the page or screen than there was the previous week, that can only be a good thing right? ^^

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